Juicy lucy Chicken, a delight to the taste buds!

Chicken is a good source of animal protein and supports weight loss, muscle growth and bone health. The method of cooking makes a difference. For people with stomach issues, it is recommended to avoid fried food and preference is inclined towards steamed and grilled food for they do not use oil. The options get limited when oil is taken out of the picture, for in Indian especially South Indian cooking, a lot of items are made with oil for example Chicken fry, Chicken 65 and so on. This is a healthier alternative as we don’t deep fry in this recipe. The flavours of garlic, lemon and soy sauce fight with each other to form the mix as they are all dominant flavours. All these flavours can be tasted separately, when we chew the chicken and rejoice the blend that it provides.


The following are the main ingredients to make Tawa Grilled Chicken Recipe:-

  1. Chicken breast fillets 2 pieces
  2. Chicken leg 2 pieces
  3. Pudina
  4. Coriander leaves

For the dressing, mix the following together:

  1. 1 tablespoon Soy sauce
  2. 1 tablespoon Chilli sauce
  3. 1 tablespoon Brown sugar
  4. ½ teaspoon grated ginger
  5. ½ teaspoon minced garlic (4 cloves)
  6. 3 tablespoon honey
  7. 1.5 tablespoon lemon juice


If you don’t have red chilli sauce, it’s a simple recipe that can be made at home. Take 4 pieces of Red chillies and 1 small tomato. Grind it in the mixer. Take a pan and pour 1 teaspoon of groundnut oil. Pour the mixture into the pan and fry for 2 minutes. The chilli sauce is ready.


  1. Season both sides of the chicken with salt and pepper and set aside for 15 minutes. 

  1. Marinate the chicken with the dressing made on both sides and set aside for one hour. Leave some of it to be poured while cooking the chicken on the tawa. Make small cuts in the chicken so that the flavour seeps in well. 

  1. Heat the tawa or grilled pan and pour one tablespoon of groundnut oil. Place the chicken on the tawa and grill it for 5 minutes on medium heat. Then flip it over, pour some marinade and heat it on low flame for another 5 minutes. Keep repeating the process until the chicken is well cooked.
  1. Sprinkle some pudina and coriander leaves over the chicken. You can also sprinkle chunks of minced peanut for additional flavor and serve.

In today’s world, the mindset shift from conservative mindset towards a convenience mindset is felt in all aspects of life. It is slowly creeping into the kitchen as well. No one wants to stay long hours in the kitchen and cook. We prefer health, taste and to get the job done quickly and conveniently. We don’t have to keep stirring like in some of the traditional recipes. We can go about our other jobs as the chicken in marinating and cooking as well. We just have to ensure that we flip the chicken frequently so that it doesn’t get burnt. That way, this is a very light, yummy and easy to make recipe. 

I made Chicken salad along with this and have shared the recipe for the same. Please do check it out.

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