Life is a beautiful journey. We are born into this beautiful world, as a tiny spectrum with the cry of a warrior that makes everyone around us smile. After all the hard work of the mother, long hours of labour, long wait of the father and family outside the labour ward, the doctor and their team of nurses, they are happy to see the pink baby take its first breath into this world making the world a better place to live in. To witness it is a miracle by itself and to go through the process of creation, development and to reap the benefits of what we sow bringing in an unexplainable emotion within ourselves, that’s the miracle.

In life, there is the popular saying, “ When life throws lemons at you, make lemonade out of it”. As an infant, we are fed, shelter provided care of and well cared for by our parents. She becomes a daughter, wife and mother at different stages of her life growing from a girl to a woman. He grows to be a son, husband and father at different stages of his life growing from a boy to become a man. Both go through different things across multiple stages in their life.

Everything that flows is the consequence of the choices we make. At every stage in our life, we have multiple paths ahead of us. Some situations give us the time to make a decision while others are a missed opportunity when too much time is taken. It’s up to us to make the decision at the end of the day. 

Never shy away from making decisions for fear of consequences. Face them head on, for that gives us the strength to move forward. We don’t need to know where we are going, what is the path we are going to take, what are the results it will yield, how will we adapt to it, what are the possible challenges that we may need to face along the way, for they are all just thoughts. Nothing has become reality yet. It is upto us to create our own reality. 

Yin Yang is the concept of positive and negative energy that are interconnected and interdependent on each other in the way they relate in the natural world. There is yin in yang and vice versa. It is the balance of both that creates something beautiful. We have to balance ourselves within and each other along the way.

Along the journey of life, we impact people, bring a smile on the face of people around us, create legacies, empower people to do better by showing them that they are better than what they are right now and in the process become better versions of ourselves. After all this, we depart from the world with a stack of memories, leaving behind our legacies for our successors to take on and build something more meaningful out of it. All of us have a purpose to have been born in this world and we are honour bound to fulfil it by giving our best. By doing what we feel is right, following our gut and bringing out the best in us, our path leads us where we are destined to be.

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